Success is not about how, its about why.

The moment you stop learning, is the moment you stop growing.

Being a topper in your class doesn't mean that you will be a topper in the real life too.

Do the work because you love to work, not because you have to work.

Dreams without actions & actions without dream, both are useless.

A true dreamer is never satisfied. They always see a new dream " The Next Real Want "

Working early in life Not for money, but for values.

Not thinking about success is like planning for your failure.

Exercise and program your mind to achieve your Real Want? .

Not every failure is the reason of discouragement; sometimes failure is more valuable than success.

We are staying in a universe where the crux of the game is to win your own shortcomings.

Putting the effort is not about doing anything you wanted to do; rather it's about working on your own self, on your inner power and the intelligence.

It's the response to your failure that actually helps to buffer the results that your experience"

Your future is just the reflection of your present attitude - an attitude to work on your own weakness is the key that would build one's career.

Life is just like these waves. Once you will rise and the next moment you might fall. It's the rhythm that keeps you going.

It's not the business that drive happiness, rather it's the happiness that drive a business.

It's not experiences; it's the passion that defines our ideas.

To achieve more we have to do more and for that we have to grow more and remember that every growth has its own identity.

The inner universe will drive you towards your next destination. Things happen in its own way, own pace and direction.

The universe gives you back your utmost desire The format doesn't matter, but the results does.

Dreams do come true Believing in the idea is the key, and more importantly believing in yourself.

There are stories of rags to riches, and sometimes the opposite too. It's the player that matter, not the game.

The Value of your life is always a factor of the excellence in your decision.

Weekdays are for you to earn your salary, but weekends are to build your business.

A person loses half of the battle when he himself is not clear about what he wants.

Self-belief is a powerful force that connects each of your thoughts and aligns with your desire and imaginations.

Nothing in this world is impossible if we learn to believe and trust our own dreams.

Sometimes the past will haunt you until it doesn't finish teaching you what you were meant to learn from it and that's life.

It's the result that matters, not your efforts. And a true result is always driven by internal happiness.

Sometimes happiness is not one's ultimate goal rather happiness is always a part of the life.

To change your life, you have to focus on a new beginning; the past was just a part of learning.

Forgiving the past and trusting the future is what counts now That's what intelligence ignorance comes into play.

Being worry is a powerful energy that forces our attention on what we don't have now.

The basic difference between ordinary and extra ordinary is the concentration. More we concentrate on the things we are doing; more we will achieve the stuffs we want.

Failing is ordinary, but rising after falling is what takes a gut, a genius to do.

What do you really want in your life? is the base for every journey in fact. The sooner one identifies, better the quality of the journey will be.

Sometimes not having what you want, teaches you the real meaning of the substance.

Sometimes the pace doesn't matter, rather the directions does. And that's the focus.