Have you ever thought that successfully writing" can make you famous" You can be a celebrity and even earn heftily, be ringed with immense fan followers, and have a luxury life style brimming with utmost popularity. Answer is "Yes". But for me the reason for writing a "book" was quite distinctive and it holds true, today also. After few months of my debut book "It's Not How, it's why", handful of my friends, colleagues and even my family members used to ask me about two typical topics "How many copies have you sold" & "How much Royalty you have earned". Although these two questions always comes under spectrum of sustainability, but my reason of writing was hovering around something else which I call them as "The Big 3 C's". If something that drives me to write my next book, and even if I see myself writing all the decades coming ahead, then I will never forget the funda of 3 C's. Let me try to tell, what that means to me!

When you write a book, unknowingly you became a contributor, in fact a national contributor to the society you live in. A book is not only a combination of pages, accumulation of theories, playful events of characters , but it's something more than that It's the value of your indefinite thoughts that put some kind of message that you wanted to contribute to the growth of humankind it's a contribution to the overall growth of human species. After "Roti", "Kapda" and "Makan" something that add to the general necessity in today's economy is "Knowledge". And there's how a book is a tool work as a knowledge accumulation tool.

To be honest when I thought to write my first book few years back, it was with an intention to make myself connected with the next generations to come and help people achieve excellence. Today a book is written not just to sell few thousands of copies and make them profitable, rather it's a medium to connect your thoughts with your current generation and the next generations to come. Your idea, values & culture perhaps written in a form of book, will always be a base of learning for the generation's ahead. By writing a book, you not only present your ideas, emotions, values and thoughts , or not only you become famous, have some crazy fans but also unknowingly create a history for your family, society and too for the nation.

In the first few months of my experience in the world of publishing and being an author, few terminology and phases was very frequent for me "Number of words/pages written", "Number of copies sold", "Are people responding to the book" , "Amazon reviews" , "Rating" , "Response on social media" etc. But hardly people realize that like any other business, writing a book is too a business it's a Start-up having a finished product as your book. The Author is an entrepreneur, creator and self-made man who personally involves in writing a book, editing, printing, and branding himself along with the product too. And all these activities synchronizes with the end to end set up of any other business starting from knowing who are your customers/readers, working on creating a world class finished product and travelling an unseen journey to make things happens and that's all about entrepreneurship and being a creator, taking responsibility of the societal development.